Monday, March 10, 2008
Announcing -
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I am Excited and at the same time Apprehensive.
I am however, very excited. SWMBO and I get to really share this journey together. So, again it begins. Four hospital days, healing, and a new life. Buckle up, it is a wild one. I will blog throughout the week. Be Well.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Plateaus - Oh! The Beauty and Granduer.
- In geology or earth science, a plateau is an area of relative low relief (i.e., relatively flat) at an important altitude, usually attributed to tectonic uplift or by sediment accumulation. If the uplift was recent, the area may be very flat. If it is highly eroded - a dissected plateau - it may have sharp relief. Also used for submarine areas higher that the normal sea floor depth (oceanic plateau).
- In physiology and human sexuality, plateau refers to the second stage (of four) of sexual arousal in the currently accepted Masters and Johnson model.
- As a proper name, Plateau usually refers to the Belgian mathematician Joseph Plateau (1801-1883). *A Thousand Plateaus is a 1980 book by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the second part of Capitalism and Schizophrenia
- Plateau (song) is a Meat Puppets song popularized by Nirvana.
The incredible spires rising to the heights that overwhelm the senses.

John Wesley Powell wrote about the Markagunt Plateau in his Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons.
"On the north there is a pair of plateaus, twins in age, but very distinct in development, the Paunsagunt and Markagunt... The stupendous cliffs by which these plateaus are bounded are of indescribable grandeur and beauty... Some of the plateaus carry dead volcanoes on their backs that are towering mountains, and all of them are dissected by canyons that are gorges of profound depth. But every one of these plateaus has characteristics peculiar to itself and is worthy of its own chapter."
A plateau refers to an extended period of time during our weight loss efforts where there is no weight loss according to the scale AND no loss of inches according to the tape measure.Let me say now and out loud. I hate plateaus. Plateaus Suck.
I have been on a plateau for the past 5 days. Have not lost a pound. Not an ounce. At least I have not gained an ounce. I have not increased my eating. Not increased drinking of any sugar drinks. Doing nothing different, but I am in a stall. Going nowhere real fast. As we used to say in the Navy - "Standing Fast". How really does one stand fast anyway? I never really understood that one. I am on a plateau and I hate it. talks about 2 different kinds of plateaus.
There are two types of plateaus that occur. The first plateau is the short plateau, lasting 2 weeks to 4 weeks. The short plateau is the kind that all active "dieters" run into throughout their weight loss efforts. It is not necessary to make adjustments for this type of plateau, because your body is simply re-adjusting to your new weight. Over time (2-4 weeks) you will naturally start losing weight again, as long as you continue your healthy diet and exercise program. Patience is all you need to get past a short plateau.
The second type of plateau is the long-term plateau, which lasts for longer than 4 weeks. If you go for more than 4 weeks without losing weight, AND you are continually following a nutritious diet and exercise program (in short, you are doing everything perfectly), then you need to make some changes. A plateau lasting for longer than 4 weeks is because you are no longer asking your body to go beyond its point of comfort. Let me explain this further: When you first start a new way of eating and a new exercise program, everything is a total shock to your body. All of a sudden you are filling the body with good healthy food full of nutrients, and you are pushing your body so that it responds to physical activity. You burn a high number of calories because it requires a ton of effort just to do simple exercise. Over time, you adjust and become more efficient at exercise, and it no longer requires the same amount of calories that it once did. If you do not change your activity, and continue to eat the same amount of food, you will eventually stop losing weight. The same principle applies to food. If you cut your calories down to 1500 per day, and lost 15 pounds this way, your new weight may use that 1500 calories for maintenance now, rather than weight loss. It's as simple as calories in = calories out.
I spoke with my program coordinator and believe I may even have a different issue going on. SWMBO has been on me lately to eat MORE. (She is real smart by the way) (oh, cute too) More you say. Yes, I said more. I am working out three to four times per week. Burning 300-400 calories per workout. I believe my body thinks I am starving and going into some type of protection. Slowing down my metabolism and protecting me. Roxi (GBS Program Coordinator) wants me to increase my calories to 1100-1200 per day. This is going to be hard and I am struggling to get 800 in me every day right now. But increase I will. 1100-1200 calories per day, here we come(still not cookies, shame on you). Good, healthy lean protein, low carb calories. So I will continue to keep you informed as the pounds continue to shed, post plateau, of course.
By the way, did I mention that although beautiful, plateaus blow chunks!
Current Status - 97 days post-op. 108 pounds lost forever. Down 3 Shirt Sizes. Down 14 inches in my pants, ummm, errr waist. Thanks Toony!.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
90 Days Post-Op - I Can Live With That!
As I ponder the last year and all the exciting changes that I have experienced, I cannot help but wonder what would have happened to me in the future, if I had not taken the drastic step of Gastric Bypass Surgery. Think about it. This is freaking drastic. I have a pouch, the size of a walnut, that will forever be the receiver of the food that gets delivered to my maw. Let me repeat, the size of a walnut. If I had not had this plumbing change, I would still be eating a 16 ounce steak, a large baked potato, don't forget the salad with cheese, maybe add 2 or 3 glasses of red wine, holy crap, where is my dessert - hmmmm - I'll have the Creme Brulee, and please bring an extra spoon.
It was no wonder I needed a tentmaker to make my clothes and I really don't think I could live with that.
That meal would have cost somewhere around $45.00. Now I eat about 1/4 cup of food per sitting. Yesterday my wife and I went to L&L Hawaiian Barbeque. We ordered the small Teriyaki Chicken Meal. It had the chicken, a scoop of rice and a scoop of macaroni salad. $4.81 and we took home leftover chicken and we were both stuffed. Assuming three nights out per week, this life change will save me $120.00 per week, $3,840.00 per year and assuming I am blessed to live another 40 or so years, $152,160.00 over that 40 years.
I can live with that!
Four months ago, I could not walk 1/4 of a mile without extreme pain. It hurt to sit in my chair at work. It hurt to get out of bed. Hell, it hurt to get in bed. I would walk one flight of stairs, and could not talk for 10 minutes, trying to recover my breathing to normal. I had high blood pressure, I had been talking blood pressure medications for 15 years. I had trouble tying my shoes, putting on my socks. I was tired all the time. I had not been to the gym in years. I couldn't golf anymore. I couldn't play softball. I really couldn't even play house! Basically, my life physically, pretty much sucked.
I am sure that I couldn't have lived like that,well, not much longer anyways.
Today the only thing that hurts is my coxxix. I just like saying that word. Coxxix. Seems as I lose my ASS, I have less padding, and that oh so precious butt padding put less pressure on my tail bone. It is getting better, but that is all thats is really bothering me. I am working out 4-5 times per week. This week Monday, 45 minutes on the treadmill averaging 3 mph. Worked upper body on resistance weights, then I went to the batting cages and hit softballs for 30 minutes. No pain after workout or the next day, except for the coxxix. Then today (Tuesday) another 35 minutes on the treadmill averaging 3 mph and 30 minutes on the resistance weights working the lower body. Lucky me, my coxxix does not hurt today. Oh, and I have not taken any Blood Pressure medications since the day before the surgery and my BP is normal. How cool is that?
I know I can live with this!
Even though I have never thought myself a depressed personality type, I wonder now if I wasn't really depressed and just did not acknowledge it. I think back 4 months ago, and I really did not like visiting my customers. People who did not know me, automatically thought I was lazy and did not work hard. How could I get that fat, and be a good worker. I had to work extra hard to prove that I was not lazy, yet I was too tired and hurting so much, there is no way I could do my job with the utmost excellence. I hated getting out of bed in the morning. I was exhausted by 3:00 PM and of course needed a candy bar to get me through the afternoon.
I could have lived with that, but not for very long!
I love going to work now. I love going and seeing my customers. I have lots of energy. I know they are not judging me because of my size. I am shrinking right before them in width and depth, but growing in stature as I better serve them and meet their needs. Many have not even recognized me with the changes, but all are very happy for me. I am even closing more deals now, more confidence, better looking, stronger presence.
I can definitely live with this!
So where am I you ask. I will tell you. I am in a very good place. I am healthy, eating right, happy and content in my skin. I am in the gym. I am in the batting cage. I like myself, I am ready for whatever comes at me. I love getting up in the morning. I am loving playing house again and everything is really, really good!
I am in a really good place, except for my coxxix, but, I know, I can live with that!
Friday, February 08, 2008
11 Weeks Post Op - The Century Club

Everything is still happening so fast. First I cannot believe that I am 10 days away from being exactly 3 months post op. Secondly, and more importantly, I cannot believe that I have lost 100 pounds. That is correct, as of this morning, I am down 100 pounds from my 10 day pre-op weight. 100 pounds in 89 days. Over 1 pound per day.
When I tell people that, the first question that I am asked is "Is that healthy?"
The answer is yes, as long as I continue to follow my Surgeons directions. First, we WLS patients need to take our vitamins. Who would have thought that life would come full circle for us. When I was a child, I remember my Mom nagging me daily, "did you take your vitamins?" Try, they were the yummy Flintstone vitamins, but here I am, 40 years later, Mom ahas been replaced by SWMBO (She who must be obeyed), but the question is still the same. "Did you take your vitamins?" Now the vitamin type and ingredients is also very important. We as GBS patients, obviously have a restrictive component to our "Pouch" but as important, we have a malabsorbative component, which prevents us from absorbing calcium and many B complex vitamins. The vitamins that I take has a very high concentration of Vitamin B12, helping to prevent the B-Complex deficiency and I also take extra supplements of calcium. All my blood work is normal and I am currently having it checked monthly.
The last month has been rather emotional. It started with an old pair of Levi's. How can a pair of levi's cause an emotional event? It is easy, they fit. That's it, they just fit. I had not been able to wear those, oh so perfect, soft denim jeans for over 5 years. The ones that are frayed on the bottom at the back of the leg, from wearing them with my flip flops. You know, those jeans. They were 10 inches smaller that the pants that I had been wearing pre-op. I put them on about a 2 or 3 weeks ago, and they fit. Those of you that don't have weight problems, are just not going to understand this, but many of you are reading this blog, because you have had GBS or are contemplating it. We call these wow moments. There will be many wow moments for those of us that are Morbidly Obese or Super Morbidly Obese. Here are some Wow's I have already accomplished and some I am still waiting for.
Easily tying my shoes
Shopping someplace else but the fat guy store ( politically correctly called "The Big and Tall Store")
Not asking for an extension belt from the flight attendant ( I now have a collection for sale.)
Fitting in the Airplane Lavatory
Walking a mile without pain
There are many many more that I am looking forward to.
One thing I have noticed, is the negative perception that many seem to have about the procedure. Particularly Oprah Winfrey and others in positions like her. Many think that this surgery is the "Easy way out" for an obese person. This surgery is by no means "The Easy Way out!" She seems to have a much greater respect for those that lose weight, by working out, or dieting (what she calls, normally) and much less respect for those of us that have had the GBS. Just like 'The Dieters", we still count calories, exercise 4-5 times per week, limit portions, eat healthy, we as GBS patients not have a 50% success level at losing and keeping the weight off. Where those who do not have GBS only have a 5% success rate. I will never be able to sit down and eat a 16 ounce steak again, I can't, it is impossible. I can no longer do things, food wise that I have enjoyed for over 40 years. This is hard, and no one, not even you Oprah, have a clue about how difficult it is, unless you have had the procedure.
It is not the easy way out and it is not meant to be!
So here I am. 100 pounds less than I was 3 months ago. Learning to shop at the Goodwill, learning to eat good and Loving this life. That is a quote from my new friend Shereeks and brought to life by my buddy Gwen in the UK. This will not change. I really love this life!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
7 weeks Post-op - Consternation

Now for all the positives of the Gastric Bypass there are some real and difficult potential side effects. So kids, gather around, today we are going to learn about the side effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery and the one that seems to be affecting me the most.
According to Gastric Bypass Surgery can have the following side effects.
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Dehydration
- Food Intolerance
- Dumping Syndrome
- Changed Bowel Habits
- Pregnancy
- Cold Intolerance
- Transient Hair Thinning
- Caution with Upper Endoscopy
Nausea and Vomiting
I have experience the nausea and vomiting twice, so far. Both times at business lunches, of which, I am sure my business associates very much appreciated. The first was with this beautiful fresh, raw Ahi tuna. 5 pieces, $13.50. I got one piece in me, one piece and was waiting as I usually do to see if my tool would agree with my tastebuds as to how great this fine piece of fish tasted. It didn't. I had pain, and I knew, rather instinctively, that this was not going to be a great experience. So I excused myself, wandered off to the mens room and prepared for the worst. I was however, mildly surprised. As I leaned over the loo, ensuring my tie was out of range, I felt the beginnings, opened m mouth, and had a very minor spew. Not the gut wrenching, body contorting, pulling my two guys down there up into my body type of vomit, but just a spew. Oops, there was one more. Spew. All done. Not what I had expected. The act was not horrible. But it makes sense. I now have a 60 cc pouch, not a 1500 cc stomach. When something goes wrong in the 1500 cc version, muscles twist, guts churn, balls flee in terror, innards regret and it is horrible. Spew. Not so bad.
Second nausea, grilled cheese sandwich. 2 bites. Not good feeling. Spew. That was it. Spew.
Drink your freaking water. I have not been dehydrated yet. My doctor says 64 ounces of fluid per day. For those of my readers in the UK and Norway (and I know you are out there) - that is also 64 fluid ounces. See how good my metric conversions are. I have been having trouble getting all 64 in me. As we have to sip, sip, sip, 64 ounces is a lot of water. I have been getting between 40 and 64 and have not had any dehydration problems.
Food Intolerance
I have had no manifestation yet, of food intolerances. But, (theres the big but) I have followed very closely my Doctors recommendations for food. I have not really stepped out of the box. I have read that approximately 1% of us will develop lactose intolerance. Foods that are dry (roast beef, turkey, other meats), sticky (peanut butter), gummy (fresh bread), or stringy (chicken, celery, fibrous fruit, and vegetables) seem to present the biggest problems for most GBS patients. Please God - don't make me intolerant to peanut butter!
Dumping Syndrome
This has yet to happen to me and this one is really scary, yet I have this really strange desire to eat something that may cause me to dump, in a controlled environment so I know what to expect out of a controlled environment. AM I STUPID, OR WHAT! For those of you that don't know, this is what dumping is:
A condition known as “dumping syndrome” can occur as the result of rapid emptying (“dumping”) of stomach contents into the small intestine. This is triggered when too much sugar or very greasy (fried) foods are consumed.
Although it is not considered a serious risk to health, the symptoms of dumping syndrome can be extremely unpleasant. They include nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, tiredness, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, and stomach cramping after eating. GBS patients usually say the symptoms make them feel “like I want to lie down and die for a half hour.”
Why would I want to experience this?
Crap! This one really bites. Let me tell you, pre-op I was one regular guy. If you know what I mean. This side effect has really been the one that kicks my butt, literally. Constipation, that little secret that keeps us BOUND together. In my best text language, OMG! So for the past few weeks I have been working on the formula that works for me. My Doctor offered me the laxative, nooooooo, not the L word. I politely declined and have proceeded to work this one out. I started with an over the counter stool softener. Added a couple of tablespoons of ground flax seed to my protein shakes and every other day and drinking a pro-biotic drink. It is better, much better now, but still not perfect. There is also psyllium husks, but be careful, if you don't drink enough with those, they will just bind you more. On a good/bad scale, that would be very bad.
As quoted from Kindergarten Cop - "Boys have penis's and girls have vagina's". I am a boy. Enough said.
Cold Intolerance
Less fat = less insulation. Less insulation = I am freezing my butt off. Living in Nebraska now, in the winter, My guys routinely are hibernating, looking for warmers locations. So I do not know if its Nebraska, or GBS, but I am freezing my butt off.
Transient Hair Thinning
About half of women who have undergone GBS notice the thinning of their hair. Sorry girls. It seems to occur between 2 and 10 months after surgery. Make sure you are taking your vitamins and ensure you are getting your protein. I have also read that zinc and biotin supplements help - but check with your Doctor as I am not one, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I am going to quote directly from the website for this.
"After gastric bypass surgery, the anatomy of the GI tract changes permanently. Access to the disconnected stomach (gastric remnant) and duodenum may be required in the future for tests like EGD or ERCP to diagnose rare problems such as ulcers, bleeding, cancer, or bile duct problems.
Because access to the disconnected portion of the GI tract is very difficult with the current technology, laparoscopic surgery may be needed to assess this part of the GI tract."
Along with this comes the subject of Strictures. Before my surgery, I did not see al lot written about strictures, but it seems as if many of my GBS brothers and sisters have had strictures. This, as I understand it is a closing of the anastomoses (the hole). It can be easily treated but needs to be watched for. Treatment requires and endoscope and the expansion of the stricture, and it seems that those that have one, often end up having several.
So, here I am, seven weeks post-op. I am standing taller, walking faster, loving more (woohoo) and feel great. Even with the few side effects that I have experienced, I would have still had this surgery performed. I know the surgery, along with my hard work and following of directions, is going to help me to live a long and healthy life.