Everything is still happening so fast. First I cannot believe that I am 10 days away from being exactly 3 months post op. Secondly, and more importantly, I cannot believe that I have lost 100 pounds. That is correct, as of this morning, I am down 100 pounds from my 10 day pre-op weight. 100 pounds in 89 days. Over 1 pound per day.
When I tell people that, the first question that I am asked is "Is that healthy?"
The answer is yes, as long as I continue to follow my Surgeons directions. First, we WLS patients need to take our vitamins. Who would have thought that life would come full circle for us. When I was a child, I remember my Mom nagging me daily, "did you take your vitamins?" Try, they were the yummy Flintstone vitamins, but here I am, 40 years later, Mom ahas been replaced by SWMBO (She who must be obeyed), but the question is still the same. "Did you take your vitamins?" Now the vitamin type and ingredients is also very important. We as GBS patients, obviously have a restrictive component to our "Pouch" but as important, we have a malabsorbative component, which prevents us from absorbing calcium and many B complex vitamins. The vitamins that I take has a very high concentration of Vitamin B12, helping to prevent the B-Complex deficiency and I also take extra supplements of calcium. All my blood work is normal and I am currently having it checked monthly.
The last month has been rather emotional. It started with an old pair of Levi's. How can a pair of levi's cause an emotional event? It is easy, they fit. That's it, they just fit. I had not been able to wear those, oh so perfect, soft denim jeans for over 5 years. The ones that are frayed on the bottom at the back of the leg, from wearing them with my flip flops. You know, those jeans. They were 10 inches smaller that the pants that I had been wearing pre-op. I put them on about a 2 or 3 weeks ago, and they fit. Those of you that don't have weight problems, are just not going to understand this, but many of you are reading this blog, because you have had GBS or are contemplating it. We call these wow moments. There will be many wow moments for those of us that are Morbidly Obese or Super Morbidly Obese. Here are some Wow's I have already accomplished and some I am still waiting for.
Easily tying my shoes
Shopping someplace else but the fat guy store ( politically correctly called "The Big and Tall Store")
Not asking for an extension belt from the flight attendant ( I now have a collection for sale.)
Fitting in the Airplane Lavatory
Walking a mile without pain
There are many many more that I am looking forward to.
One thing I have noticed, is the negative perception that many seem to have about the procedure. Particularly Oprah Winfrey and others in positions like her. Many think that this surgery is the "Easy way out" for an obese person. This surgery is by no means "The Easy Way out!" She seems to have a much greater respect for those that lose weight, by working out, or dieting (what she calls, normally) and much less respect for those of us that have had the GBS. Just like 'The Dieters", we still count calories, exercise 4-5 times per week, limit portions, eat healthy, we as GBS patients not have a 50% success level at losing and keeping the weight off. Where those who do not have GBS only have a 5% success rate. I will never be able to sit down and eat a 16 ounce steak again, I can't, it is impossible. I can no longer do things, food wise that I have enjoyed for over 40 years. This is hard, and no one, not even you Oprah, have a clue about how difficult it is, unless you have had the procedure.
It is not the easy way out and it is not meant to be!
So here I am. 100 pounds less than I was 3 months ago. Learning to shop at the Goodwill, learning to eat good and Loving this life. That is a quote from my new friend Shereeks and brought to life by my buddy Gwen in the UK. This will not change. I really love this life!
That is AWESOME Jim.. 100 pounds.. wow.. what a difference... I am still going for it, even contrary to others opinions and views.. such as Oprah's .
I am looking forward to my 100 pound loss.. it will be here before I know it!! :0) Congrats again and keep up the great work!!
Jim, enjoy your soft worn out denim jeans that you have not fit in for years, and please enjoy your new life to the fullest, because you are worth every minute of it! dare to live, ygg
WOW! congratulation, that's such an accomplishment! I'm so happy for you.
Jim, I was wondering if I could get your and Sandy's address, email, and phone number... I'm gathering contact information so I can keep in touch when we're in Montreal. You can send it to my email nuanes.montreal@gmail.com
Jim I love reading your blog. It keeps me going just seeing what I have to look forward to in the weeks and months to come. You are such an inspiration. Thank You!
your my hero dude! I'm really glad that this is going so well for you. I know that I have some family that I would love it if they got this surgery. its good to see that you're taking this step in your life. God bless ya!
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