Tuesday, December 11, 2007

21 Days Post Op - Pump Me Up

When I was in high school, college and the Navy, I spent a lot of time in the gym. Exercising, running and lifting weights. Football required strength, conditioning, endurance and more strength. I spent hours in the weight room with Paul, Rich and the rest of my O-Line buds. We would yell at each other, grunt, sweat and pound out hours and thousands of pounds of reps on the bench press, the power driver, curls, squats and more leg work. Obviously, looking at myself, I have spent very little time in the gym over the last 10-15 years.

"I'm Hans and I'm Franz"

I have returned to the sweaty environs of the local health club as of last Wednesday. It has been a very emotional week for me. You see, I love the gym. I loved working out, the feeling in my muscles as they grow due to the weight being lifted over and over. I don't quite understand why I stopped doing this in the past, but I did and the results are what they are. Now as I just had major Gastric Bypass Surgery, I have to be very careful as to what I do in the beginning, but it is a beginning and bring on the endorphins.

"and we are here"

My first day in the gym was spent on the treadmill. Roxy (Dr Whites Plan Administrator) said I should be doing the 100 meter mosey. So that is what I did. 30 minutes on the tread mill set at 2.6 mph. I elevated my heart rate to 143 and maintained it there for 30 minutes. I had trouble figuring out how to stop this machine and figure I was doomed for life to be attached to this moving tread, but figure it out and stepped off. Dizzy. Light headed, I stumbled to the towels and returned to my senses. I am completely overwhelmed. 25 days ago I could not walk 1/4 of a mile without having to sit down, without having extreme pain in my back. The mall was a painful experience. I am actually emotional. I just walked 1.2 miles in 30 minutes. I didn't have to stop, I am not in pain. What in the name of God is happening to me. So much has changed in the last 25 days.

"to pump you up."

Two days later I went back to the wellness center and had my fitness assessment. Can a 392 pound man really have an assessment of his fitness. Let's be real here. Now if we were to call it a lack of fitness assessment, that would probably be more correct. So I got weighed, bmi'd blood pressured (still no more bp meds) and Ross ran me through all the machines in the center. Let me tell you about this wellness center. It is really quite nice. It is ran by the Hospital Parent group that did my surgery. It is not a meat market. I see no steroid monsters, in fact the average age here is probably the mid to late forties - just like me. People that want to better themselves and their health. It is perfect. They have great equipment and if I keel over due to the exercise, I am about 200 meters from the ER. I really like it here.

"Bring on the endorphins"

I again went to the gym last night, exactly 21 days post-op. Did my 32 minutes on the treadmill. This time I did 10 minutes at 2.6 mph, 10 minutes at 3.0 mph and returned to 2.6 mph for the last 10 minutes. Kept my heart rate from 143 to 156 for the complete 30 minutes. I then did a round on the arm and chest machines. Light, light weights, 2 sets of 15 and 12 reps. Holy crap, I remember this feeling. My biceps and triceps pumped right up. My chest muscles tightened. I love this stuff. No exercise performed to failure. Maintained my form. High reps with low weight, toning exercises. Nothing yet for the midsection of my torso. Those exercises are still a few months away. This is going to be great. I will have "guns" again. I finished my workout again with no real pain and a wonderful endorphin rush. I have lost 48 pounds and feel great.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget walking outside. I know it's cold out now, but bundle up and go out and walk and enjoy nature, please just don't slip on the ice! shirley

Five*Wises said...

Boy o Boy Jim!
What exhilaration and freedom! Your own steam and power! I am thrilled to are remembering where to find fun, satisfaction and stamina! Do be gentle with yourself though. It is very easy to overdo it and end up sore and it all backfires for a few weeks.
I do love your posts!