Sunday, March 09, 2008

I am Excited and at the same time Apprehensive.

I know I should not be apprehensive, as I have gone through this myself. SWMBO is having her surgery in 24 hours. She was approved in 6 days, had her Surgeons appointment last Tuesday and is having Surgery just six short days later. I am not fearful, nothing like that. I have complete faith in my God, complete faith in our Surgeon, but as any loving husband should be, I still think I am a bit worried about the anesthesia and all that goes along with any surgery.

I am however, very excited. SWMBO and I get to really share this journey together. So, again it begins. Four hospital days, healing, and a new life. Buckle up, it is a wild one. I will blog throughout the week. Be Well.

1 comment:

Five*Wises said...

What an exciting goal you and SWMBO have! One of your first posts can be your 30th/pearl - a landmark to look forward to and target weight to!
I like your creation on your Mac!
Happy continuation!
Your pal